SimplerCloud Pte Ltd

Cart summary
Additional IPv4 / IPv6 Addresses - Additional IPv4 address
Setup Fee $0.00 USD
Monthly $5.00 USD
Cart subtotal today:
$ 5.00
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Additional IPv4 address

Additional IPv4 addresses for your servelet (max. of additional 3 IPs per servelet).

Fee: $5 per IP per month

Note: For additional IPs, we need justification on how the IPs will be used, before we can issue the additional IP addresses. Please open a support ticket and provide us with an explanation on how the IP addresses will be used, i.e. for what reason/purpose.

Kindly noted that we do not allow our IPs to be used for high-volume bulk mailing.

Note that we reserve the rights to reject the additional IP address order if we do not accept your justification, and if that's the case, we shall refund the payment for the order in full (if the payment has been made).

Product Configuration
Choose billing cycle:
The servelet's hostname, or the co-location /dedicated server ID where you would like the IP addresses to be added.

Additional IPv4 address for your servelet.

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