SimplerCloud Pte Ltd

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Load Balancing Services - Load Balancing Service
Setup Fee $50.00 USD
Monthly $20.00 USD
Cart subtotal today:
$ 70.00
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Load Balancing Service


At least one server must be hosted in the SimplerCloud network and must be one of the following:

Simple servelets, Virtual Private Cloud, Dedicated Servers, Co-location Services

For full details of this service, please refer to  Load Balancing Services.


The Basic Load Balancing Service details:

- load balance up to 5 services (ports)

- for each service, load balance up to 3 servers

- Up to 5,000 sessions/second in non-SSL mode, and up to 2,000 sessions/second in SSL mode.

- 5 load balancing rule changes monthly


Fee: $50 setup, $20/monthly 

PROMOTION: $8 for the first month of load balancing service. CNY PRICE: $8 for the first month – USUAL PRICE: $20/month

Click the "Use promotional code" hyperlink on the right side of this order form and key in the promocode: CNY2018LB to enjoy the promotion.

Promotion valid until 1 March 2018.


Additional fees apply for:

- high-availability load balancing

- additional servers  to be load balanced

- additional services to be load balanced

- additional CPU cores (1 MAX)



- After load balancing rules are configured, you will have to modify your DNS for load balancing to work. 

- If unsure, please ensure you have discussed your requirements with us before submitting an order by opening a support ticket from your account. 

Product Configuration
Choose billing cycle:
Please provide the hostname of the SimplerCloud server to be load balanced. If there are more than one, please provide them in the Additional Instructions box below.

Additional servers to be load balanced (up to 3 for basic service), ticket number reference, or other information. Full port, IP and server information will be requested separately.

Additional load balancer is added in the same network.
Yes ( $20.00 USD Monthly )
Add up to 1 more additional CPU core
x ( $10.00 USD )
x ( $3.00 USD )
x ( $5.00 USD )
Fields marked with asterisk (*) are required