SimplerCloud Pte Ltd


How do I order an SSL certificate?


To order an SSL certificate, you can login to our portal, select "Order" and then select "SSL Certificates". There are two plans provided: RapidSSL and RapidSSL Wildcard. Submit the order and make the payment.

Once the payment has been processed, an automated e-mail will be sent to your e-mail address with the details on how to begin the ordering process. Click on "Begin Process" link.

Select "Configure" to start. You will be redirected to RapidSSL site to confirm the product that you are purchasing. You are not able to modify most the options on the page, except the option on whether it's an initial order or a renewal, and on whether you have a server certificate from a competitor. Click on "Continue".

The next step, you will need to paste the CSR (certificate signing request). You will need to generate the CSR first on your server, and then paste the content of the CSR into the box provided. You need to copy the entire content of the CSR, starting from "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" line until the "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" line. Click on "Continue". If you see any error message, this means the CSR is not valid and you would need to correct/regenerate the CSR and re-paste. Follow the instruction on the error message on the correct way how the CSR should be generated.

The site will show the "Common Name", which is the domain name (FQDN) you keyed in when generating the CSR. Click on "Continue" to continue. Verify the server URL, and the CSR information. Verify that all the information is correct, and then click "Continue".

On the next step, please key in the site administrator contact information and technical contact information. If both are the same person, you may choose the "Check here if same as Administrator Contact" option and leave the technical contact information blank. Click "Continue" to continue.

On the next step, please choose a valid email address under the domain which you have access. You may choose any of the registered domain contacts detected (if any), or you can choose any of the alternate approval email addresses provided. You need to make sure that the email address has been setup and that you can have access to the email, before you submit the order. Otherwise, you will not be able to receive the approval email. Click "Continue" to continue.

On the next page: Order Summary, please verify that all the information is correct, tick the "I agree to this SSL Certificate Subscriber Agreement" option and then click on "Submit Order". Once the order is submitted, a page will be shown to give you the order number. Please write down the order number and save it.

An approval e-mail will be sent to the approval email address. You will need to access the email to go to the next step. The email will be sent from and the subject line of the email will contain "RapidSSL Certificate Request Confirmation - (your domain name)". You will need to click the URL provided for you to review and approve the certificate request. Review the order and then click on the "I Approve" button.

You will then see a page stating that the RapidSSL order has been successfully approved. Within minutes, you will receive an e-mail sent to the site administrator contact email address with the SSL certificate included at the end of the email, with some instructions on how to install the SSL certificate on your server.

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