SimplerCloud Pte Ltd


Servelet Downgrade and Loss of Data


What is the best way to downgrade my servelet?

The best way to downgrade your servelet would be to order a new servelet under the downgraded plan, migrate your data over, ensure everything is working fine on the new servelet and then terminate the old servelet. This will be a cleaner way to minimise or prevent the downtime of the services during the process.

Will downgrading my servelet cause data loss?

Yes, downgrading a servelet will cause data loss, particularly the data on the data-disk. You have to backup your data and files on your data-disk first before performing any downgrade attempt. After a downgrade, you will need to delete existing partition, re-create / re-format a new partition, and restore your data from your backup.

How the downgrade works and how can it cause data loss?

When you perform a downgrade of a servelet which involves reducing the size of the data-disk, the existing data-disk volume (which size might follow the original size of the disk) will not be functioning properly on the reduced data-disk. You will need to delete the existing volume, and then re-create and re-format a new volume / partition following the new size of the data-disk. Therefore, all the data and files inside the existing volume/partition will be deleted during this process.

How to perform the downgrade of my servelet?

As mentioned above, the best way to downgrade your servelet would be to order a new servelet, migrate your data over and then terminate the old servelet.

However, if you still insist in downgrading the existing servelet plan, you may do so by following the same steps on how to upgrade your servelet, which is outlined on our knowledge-base article here. You need to ensure that you have performed backup of all your data first prior to the downgrade, and restore all the data from your backup after the downgrade process is completed.

1. Backup all your data and files inside your data-disk.
2. Perform the downgrade of the servelet as per the above knowledge-base article.
3. Delete existing partition/volume, and create and format a new partition/volume following the new data-disk size.
3. Restore the data from your backup.

There might be some situations where the automated downgrade may fail due to various reasons, and a manual downgrade might be required. If you noted that the downgrade has failed, please open a support ticket with us so that we can assist and perform manual downgrade of the servelet for you.

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