SimplerCloud Pte Ltd


How do I install Joomla?

You can create your servelet based on the Ubuntu+Joomla template, which comes with LAMP (Apache, MySQL and PHP) and Joomla by default.

Once the servelet is created, note down the IP address of your servelet, and then access your Joomla's installation page at below URL:


For example, if your servelet's IP address is, the Joomla installation page will be on this URL:

Select your preferred language, key in the site name and description, admin email, admin username and password. Click "Next" to continue.

Key in below credentials:

Database Type: MySQLi (leave as it is)
Hostname: localhost (leave as it is)
Username: root
Password: S1mplerCloud (note that it's a number 1) - it's a default password that you should change.
Database Name: joomla
Table Prefix: (leave as it is)
Old Database Process: Backup

Click "Next" to continue. If you encounter this error message: "Could not connect to the database. Connector retuned number: Could not connect to mySQL.", please kindly check again and verify that the above information is all correct.

Under FTP Configuration, please click "Next" unless if you would like to setup FTP. You will need to pre-configure the FTP setting on your servelet before you do so.

Under Finalisation, click on "Install" to start the installation process. When the installation is successful, you will see this message:

"Congratulations! Joomla! is now installed."

Note that as you might have noticed, the default root password for MySQL is shown above. You should change it.

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